Between hectic schedules and the disruptions of events, it’s all too easy to put off important appointments, like those with a hearing specialist or for a hearing aid fitting. You may even find yourself hesitating to get hearing aids altogether. But hearing loss impacts more than just your ears and delaying treatment can have detrimental […]
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, our ears often shoulder the burden of neglect and inadvertent harm. From the allure of ear candling to the apparently harmless act of using cotton swabs, our hearing health can suffer from these prevalent yet perilous practices. Below, we explore four important methods to safeguard your sense […]
Chances are, earwax and its accumulation haven’t been subjects of significant consideration for you, except maybe during ear hygiene routines. Still, it’s crucial to have an understanding of its purpose and how it forms. What initiates the accumulation of earwax? Earwax, also scientifically called cerumen, is made up of a combination of sweat, skin particles, […]
Many aspects of your daily life can be affected by Hearing Loss. Neglected hearing loss, for instance, can impact your professional life, your favorite hobbies, and even your relationships. For couples who are struggling with hearing loss, communication can become strained. This can cause increased tension, more arguments, and even the growth of animosity. In […]
Your workplace recently adopted the trend of open-office floor plans, promoting cooperation and teamwork. But this new setup has become difficult for you. Not because you miss the privacy of cubicle walls, but because the increased noise makes it difficult to follow conversations. Even if established hearing tests indicate perfectly fine hearing, the inability to […]
It’s natural to want to know about the side effects of a medication when you begin taking it. Can it give you a stomach ache? Will it dehydrate you? Make you sleepy? There might also be a more severe possible side effect that you might not think of – hearing loss. Many different drugs are […]
Is age a factor in the development of hearing loss? Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions affecting all adults as they get older, but it’s a slow process. Actually, over one half of people 75 and older have a hard time hearing. Presbycusis Presbycusis is defined as age-related hearing loss or the […]
It’s not fun when you’re unable to sleep at night. Especially when it occurs frequently. You lie awake tossing and turning, looking at the time over and over, and stressing about how exhausted you will be tomorrow. Medical professionals call this kind of chronic sleeplessness “insomnia”. With insomnia, the negatives of not sleeping will then […]
You may be acquainted with the various factors contributing to hearing loss, including the impact of getting older, genetic predisposition within families, or prolonged exposure to loud noises. However, you may find it interesting to discover the connection between diabetes and hearing loss. Let’s dig a little deeper into that. How is your risk of […]
Everyone loves a quick fix, particularly when the solution is also a DIY fix. Got a leaky sink? Just search YouTube for the right plumbing tutorial, go get the recommended tools, and get to work! It may take you a little bit longer than it would take a plumber, but there’s no substitute for the […]